Making the Most of Your Accounting Degree

If you have or are still going through the grueling work that it takes to attain an accounting degree, you may have already thought about how you can maximize the opportunities you gain from your degree.  It is true—an accounting degree affords many profitable job opportunities that can make your degree well worth the effort.  However, there are many areas you may not have considered, and many doors that cannot be opened without the right strategy.  Here are the various job opportunities you can pursue to make the most of your accounting degree.

Certified Public Accountant
No matter which path you choose, it is wise that you become a certified public accountant.  Not all jobs require this degree, but you will stand out among your professionals as someone with a wide knowledge of all financial matters.  As a CPA, you will have a wealth of opportunity that will look attractive on your resume to many businesses.  CPAs are granted the ability to create and analyze budgets, audit financial records for a company, lend advice to provide direction to a company, and help to create strategy for the future of the organization he or she works for.  Becoming a CPA is no easy task.  Candidates must take the CPA exam.  This infamous exam is known to take hundreds of hours to study for.  Candidates study for months on topics such as finance, auditing, regulation, and business.  This rigorous exam usually has about a 50% pass rate in total, so many do not pass on their first try.  CPA candidates are advised to study as much as possible and draw from a variety of resources.

Corporate Entertainment Accountant
Those that have always had a fascination with the world of cinema, theater, or music may want to work as a CPA in the entertainment world.  You can assist in the financial matters of a production company, record company, studio, or theater.  As a corporate entertainment accountant, you can get an in on the upcoming film, by overseeing production costs and making sure a director stays within budget.  If you instead want to work with celebrities, you can actually be a personal accountant to one or several stars.  With all the money they make, celebrities need someone to help manage their finances and help make the right decision on the next mansion they wish to buy.

FBI Agent
Did you grow up watching crime dramas and have always had a secret desire to be a part of one?  With your accounting expertise, now you can.  The FBI needs qualified individuals to investigate and track down corporate and business crime.  Having an accounting degree on your resume will make you an obvious standout among the others who have more common degrees to the field.  As an FBI agent you have the ability to become a special agent or to work in administration.  Therefore, if you want to be on the tamer side of things, you can provide the FBI with carrying out financial tasks.

Accounting Software Developer
Technology has become integral to accurate and expedient accounting over the years.  Accountants who work in the IT world have the benefit of helping a software company’s developers.  In addition to the typical activities of an accountant, they also have the ability to consult about license audits and other activities.

If you have natural leadership qualities, you may be the perfect fit to become a VP of finance or a CFO at a company.  CFO positions do not actually require that you become a CPA prior, and in fact you can attain the highest level of financial management with only your bachelor’s degree.  The CFO has the main task of managing and directing a business or organization’s long-term financial goals.  All responsibility falls onto the CFO to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and legal requirements of all aspects of finance.  CFOs can make well over $170,000.

Jason Galaif, aka CPA Exam Guy, is an accounting all-star who saw more of the exam than any prodigy would ever want to—he failed several sections and had a couple of passed exams expire. He now uses his extensive experience and knowledge reviewing cpa study materials and offering insider tips in order to help would-be CPAs pass with as little effort and time as possible.
